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The Peerless Voice


I had been caught up,

In a seething, blazing tempest,

Marked by savage turbulency.

Night after night, the discord

Haunted me with hellish hallucinations.

Then the morning dawned

Brilliant and luminous with a knock,

Soft and balmy

Herald of the echoes

From the intimate voice.

Peerless, endowed with the

Competence to quieten any storm

With a lone shushh...

Crystal clear ringing of the glass bell that slays my demons in a whisper.

The unrivaled cannot be burdened

Or weighed down

The flawless cannot be lassoed or be tethered.

The matchless must stay

To compose my beasts by own volition

For it is absurd to contain a free spirit.


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Aadi SN
Aadi SN
10 mars 2022

love this!!!

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